

Hosea’s turbulent relationship with his unfaithful wife Gomer was designed to reflect the state and condition of God’s exclusive relationship with his people.

A Russian icon of the prophet Hosea.

About the Author: Hosea was an early prophet to the northern kingdom, and with the possible exception of Jonah, the only one from Israel. His name means “salvation,” a fitting message for the first of the Minor Prophets.

Background: The events of the book of Hosea take place at a time of wealth, power and unprecedented affluence in Israel, all of which led to corruption, evil, greed and injustice, and severe violations of the Mosaic Covenant. The prophet lived and ministered at a time when God’s people, self-indulgent and content in their prosperous lives, had turned away from him to serve and worship other gods. This decline in society was largely due to the flourishing trade and commerce between Israel and its surrounding nations. This cultural combination (or fraternization) exposed the Israelites to corruption such as the influence of other gods and religions (for example, Canaanite and Assyrian).

Hosea “buying” back and forgiving his unfaithful wife, Gomer.

Message: Hosea was commanded by God to marry Gomer, a woman who would eventually be unfaithful to him. The prophet’s broken and restored marriage reflected the people’s covenant with God (i.e. harlotry/violation leading to judgment, a painful result and an eventual gracious restoration). Hosea warned the people that if they continued to live in the unfaithful way they were and refused to repent of their sins, God would allow their nation to be destroyed and for them to be taken into captivity by Assyria, which eventually came to pass.

Application: There are several lessons we can take away from Hosea, the first of which is the fact that marriage should be exclusive and faithful and should reflect God’s exclusive relationship with his people. Secondly, God is good at restoring relationships – even though he is never at fault himself, he continually offers restoration. Human relationships are often and easily broken, so we should try to be like Hosea and fix them.

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